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4 Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality this Summer

In Florida, it seems that summer has arrived in full force. Although many people will spend as much time as possible outdoors to enjoy the sunshine after a long winter, others will choose to stay indoors to avoid the sun. As previously mentioned, indoor air contaminants can be denser and more toxic than those found outside. Here are four ways to improve the quality of your indoor air this summer so that you and your family can breathe a little easier.

Tip1: Make sure your air filter is in good working order. Many allergens and toxins that flow through your ductwork are trapped by an air filter, preventing you from breathing them in. However, once it is complete, the A/C system will struggle to function properly. Filters should be cleaned or replaced every three months or less.

Tip 2: Keep an eye on how often you open your windows. As nice as fresh air sounds, it can also bring a lot of pollen and other airborne contaminants with it. Keep an eye out for days with a high pollen count (weather channels and websites typically list this information), close your windows and doors, and let your air conditioner do the job.

Tip 3: Plants in pots are a pleasant touch. Plants function as a natural air filter, drawing in chemicals and converting them to clean oxygen for a fast improvement in indoor air quality.

Tip 4: Cleaning the ducts is a good idea. Pollutants can settle and collect in ductwork if they aren’t managed. When the summer heat arrives, turning on your air conditioner will stir them up and blast them into your living spaces, creating breathing difficulties.

If you need assistance preparing options to assist your family this summer, Clean Ducts Orlando will assist you. Give us a call or send us an email.

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